What to Check Before You Buy an Apartment On Paper [Item 8 - Air conditioning and heating systems]

*Free worksheet with all 20 ideas: https://www.dsearc.co.il/buyingonpaper

Are you about to buy an apartment on paper, which means in a building under construction? You will love this new series - 20 items to check before signing an agreement.

*First video with Items 1 and 2: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/what-to-check-before-you-buy-an-apartment-on-paper-items-1-and-2

*Second video with Items 3 and 4: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/what-to-check-before-you-buy-an-apartment-on-paper-items-3-and-4

*Third video with Item 5: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/what-to-check-before-you-buy-an-apartment-on-paper-item-5

*Forth video with Items 6 and 7: https://www.dsearc.co.il/single-post/what-to-check-before-you-buy-an-apartment-on-paper-items-6-7

Within each video, I am going to walk you through 2 or three items to check before signing an agreement, and I am going to give you details and examples of each item to really help you decide if the apartment is right for you and if the company is offering you a quality apartment.

The items discussed in this video are items 6 and 7 from my worksheet: windows and doors.


Bonus Links:

*Get my free SPREADSHEET to manage the budget for your renovation in Israel: https://www.dsearc.co.il/lpbudget *Get my free eBook "Eight things to check before you hire a contractor in Israel": https://www.dsearc.co.il/lp


Contact Info: https://www.dsearc.co.il/


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