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Everything you have to know BEFORE you renovate your apartment in Israel for a successful renovation.
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After the payment click on the "return to merchant" button to receive the course website link and your password
If it's more convenient for you, you can pay through paybox, bit, or by a money transfer.
Call me and I will send you all the details.
After you finalize your payment, you will receive a confirmation email (within 24 hours, with your password and the instruction to connect to the website).
For any question, you might have, contact me: 0526452002,
The toolkit includes:
6 Masterclasses. [Each masterclass will cover one of the aspects of the renovation]
English/ Hebrew and Hebrew/English dictionary of the most used words (about 100 words) in the Renovation field
Worksheets and checklists, to better put into practice what you learned
Ask your questions on the website and get answers!
By request, I will put you in contact with shops, suppliers, and professionals that I know personally and trust.
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